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This diagram introduces the complexity of urban regeneration schemes and the intersection of data, local authority governance, legal process, design, and residents. It is not intended as a definitive description, rather it provides pointers to the various ‘things’ that happen within a regeneration.
image/svg+xml PRE/DURING/POST CONSULTATIONOccupancy: Tenants: Secure & temporary Homeowner: Leasehold/Freehold Private renters (not recognised) Housing waiting lists Property lists ComplaintsFinance: General Fund (GF) Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Grant and borrowing income Rent & Service Charge income Major works collection Right to buy incomeRepairs & Maintenance: Responsive repairs Major works (S20 notices) Grounds maintenance Insurance claims Decent homes surveys Structural surveysLegislation: National planning framework London plan Local plan PRE-PLAN CONSULTATIONCouncil officers consult through: Tenants and Residents association Resident engagement Ward councillors Workshops Specialist advisors Massing plans Key Guarantees Equalities impact Financial viability Test of opinion Housing needs survey DESIGN & PLANNINGMaster planning Resident 'input'Topographical/services surveysAffordable housing targetsDetailed design and budgetPlanning application & decision CABINET REPORT & DECISIONCouncil offers write reportOfficers recommend demolitionCabinet vote to accept the reportMoney allocated from HRA or GA REGEN STRUCTURES RESIDENT RESPONSEAttendance at eventsEmail, letter, phonePetition, DemonstrationPaper, TV, Social media, Freedom of information requestsAlternative 'peoples' plan CHALLENGE TO CABINETScrutiny committee Judicial review DECANT, MOVE, DISPLACETenant demolition noticesHomeowner buybackCompulsary purchaseMove residents -->

You can download the diagram here.

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