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Mapping the database

Finally, Tom talked through his approach to organising his practice-led research and the various strategies he employed to manage large repositories of text based documents, written notes, images, activist activities and software he has written. It was thought that this organisational strategy might prove central as a means to reflect on how the housing database operates on and through Tom and residents of Cressingham Gardens Estate.

Activities / Workbook

Thick ethnographic description, a narrative. Reflection on flows of power. Shared strategies. Describe practices, context, feelings. methods of recording practices.

(what does this mean in terms of finding ‘evidence’? Is This is a critique of council practices? )

Creating the archive

Strategies, forms of standardisation, and programmatic techniques, that have emerged as a coping mechanism to interpret huge volumes of data. My research into LBL housing databases has resulted in 16,694 directories, 120,601 files and 253 different file types which would be impossible to manage without computational machines. These strategies render this archive of material into new texts and forms that explore the housing database as a process that makes calculable residents of CGE and their homes. [Note: Could draw in big data here]


FOI requests

As search queries




Prior art

Estate art works

The council (as open source system)

Another Lambeth is possible

  • Central Hill contacts.
  • Nuclear Bunker. nse ## Section 20 notices The section 20 notice related to a weather tight repairs program being undertaken by Lambeth, and was posted through leaseholders doors stating an estimate for repairs for each leaseholders block, and what their individual contribution might be. A local quantity surveyor also attended the meeting to offer his expertise and help with reading of the document.
